• Volunteers don't necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.

    ~ Elizabeth Andrew

    Donate to our Hope Orphan Preschool Paypal Account

  • See Our Amazing Volunteers Organising Fundraisers

  • Our Secondary School Dream

    In July 2018 we successfully bought a plot of land for our planned secondary school. We are now appealing to supporters to help us build this primary school. Building one classroom could be a nice way to dedicate something special to a loved one.

  • Improve the Quality of our Buildings

    Our building is of a very basic quality. It would be fantastic to have some volunteer builders/tradesmen come and complete some upgrades e.g. constructing robust desks for the children, tiling bathrooms, installing ceilings, constructing playground equipment, upgrading fences, plumbing, electrics, etc.

  • Hopsyg fundraising events

    We've got a top notch team!

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    Spinning Class

    powered by Spinback

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    Parents Group

    powered by Colin Liu's Parents Group

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    Halloween Party

    powered by Larysa Varaksa

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    Yoga Class

    powered by Inspya Yoga

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    Charity Run

    powered by Shanghai United International School

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    Info booth

    powered by Shanghai Gaelic Football Club

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    powered by Roca Foundation

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    Christmas Party for Kenya

    powered by Alberto Harriero

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    Summer Party for Kenya

    powered by Laura Velasco

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    Charity challenge

    powered by Shanghai Soup

  • Contribute

    The above Paypal 'Contribute' link is the best way to make a donation. The below works also.

    Primary School Account (Beneficiary Bank)

    Bank Name: The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd

    Branch/Sort Code (Bank Receiver’s Code): 11004

    Account Name: Hope Orphan Preschool Youth Group

    Account Number: 011344 4514 1001

    Swift/BIC Code: KCOOKENA

    Branch Name: Nkrumah Road, Mombasa, Kenya.

    Bank/Branch Code: 11000


    Note: Often the banks will ask for our HOPSYG physical address.

    Physical Address of School and our Postal Box: Bengala, Mshomoroni, Mombasa, Kenya. The PO box is 86462-80106 Mombasa

    IBAN: IBAN numbers are used for transfers between European banks so its not needed for transfers to Kenya, you should only need the above information.

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  • Supporters

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    The Education Network China

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    Sure Maker

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    Universal Music

  • Thank you to our Supporters, Volunteers, Sponsors and Donors

    National Irish Bank (Danske Bank) & Danny Hamilton- purchase of land for primary school and preschool & construction of preschool and junior primary school.

    Special Individual/Group contributors include: the Mulama family, the Coyne family, Sarah Baert & Hopsyg Secretariat.

    Seamus Lynott- Trustee, Volunteer, Child Sponsor, fundraiser & design of preschool construction.

    Johannes Leberer & Family- Volunteer Teacher (one year), Child Sponsorship and fundraising for building of primary school, science lab, etc.

    Shanghai United International School (Wanyuan Staff)- organising Charity Run fundrasier for building senior primary school. Supporting Matt & Madeline in organizing five guitar fundraisers.

    Fernando De La Cal Gonzalez- Volunteer organizing 6 fundraisers in Shanghai (dinner parties, symposiums, spinning classes)

    Green Initiatives/Nitin Dani- Volunteer, partnering, providing large scale marketing promotion and fundraising.

    Adrian Hosler- 'Super Volunteer' organizing fundraisers (flea market, Christmas party x 2, Skills Tournament), administration, donations, nonprofit registration, etc.

    Laura Velasco- Volunteer organizing two dinner party fundraisers in Shanghai

    Matt & Madeline Shugert- Organized five guitar lesson fundraisers and also supported with dinner party fundraisers

    Dr Jan Kubovny- Medical expertise/treatment and child sponsorship

    Gabriel Grimsditch- child sponsorship, running-costs donations

    Raffael Polz- volunteer teacher (one year), child sponsorship.Kristell Gathoye- Volunteer organized charity photoshoot, produced photos and edited website.

    Universal Music: allowing us to use Coldplay music in our promotional videos

    Aura Hita Losa- Volunteer, designed our website, marketing materials and organized our Children´s Skills Tournament & Christmas dinner party.

    Larysa Varaksa- Volunteer, organized Halloween party and Christmas party.

    Elando Tenge- volunteer teacher (one year) and child sponsorship

    David Mulligan & Mary Duffy- child sponsorship, fundraisers and medical aid.

    Alberto Harriero- Volunteer, organized two dinner party fundraisers

    Colin Liu- Volunteer, organized Sure Maker fundraiser & parent´s group fundraiser

    Ines Bartual- Volunteer, organized Christmas dinner party fundraiser

    Ann O’Halloran- Volunteer and child sponsorship

    Esme Harvey- Volunteer, organized fundraisers for spinning class, jujitsu class, Christmas dinner party.

    Guillermo de la Plaza- Volunteering and organizing fundraisers.

    Radana Litosova- child sponsorship

    Sabina Mulama- teacher and volunteer,

    Fatuma- teacher and volunteer.

    Strikingly- providing our website support

    Bobby Holliman- support organising fundraisers

    Roca 'We are Water' Foundation- providing beautiful showroom venues for awarness symposia

    DAFA and Vincent Maguire & Family- Donations for rennovations to preschool 2011

    Deirdre Cryan, David Quinn- Organizers of Summer camp and donors.

    Amanda Flannery- volunteer and child sponsorship

    Holly Donnelly- child sponsorship

    Gil and Neomi Weinstein- child sponsorship,

    Stacie and Alan Gibbons- child sponsorship

    Catherine Johansson Berg- child sponsorship

    Assia Ghani- child sponsorship

    Liz Effenberg- child sponsorship

    Felicitas Boerner- child sponsorship

    Josefine Polz- child sponsorship

    Miroslav Dusek & Monika Duskova- child sponsorship

    Rocio Ruiz, Summer camp volunteer.

    Clea Otero- volunteer and running-costs donations.

    HSE Health Promotion Team in Tullamore- fundraising for school wall/fence.

    Stella Billi- fundraiser;

    M Costello- child sponsorship

    Ciara Conway- child sponsorship

    Benedict Luganje- volunteer

    Philip McAlister- donations

    Smriti Sharma- donations

    Mary and David Greaney- medical assistance

    Jan Keno- media support

    Marcella Connolly- media support

    John Kingsley- technical support

    SAAS- technical support

    MEWA- medical support