Zuma and Kalimbo are brothers. In 2011, Zuma got an academic scholarship along with one of our other top performing children- Rama. These three children's stories are grouped together as their lives intertwine.
A bit of a rough start
2009: An early photo of Zuma's and Kalimbo's first house. This illustrates well the living conditions of some of our children. Sadly, their mother, because of her alcoholism, is unable to give them the attention they need.

A photo outside Rama's mud-house. From left to right are his mother, Lilian (his older sister, also on our primary school program) and his younger sister, Soteri.
On this home visit we tried to assess Lilian's situation. She is now a teenager and is being approached by boys offering her gifts to make her drop out of school. We're still working on a solution to keep her in school. We know that if we can get a sponsor for sending her to a boarding school, she will be able to get away from this situation.
Kalimbo's lucky escape...twice!
While playing at home, Kalimbo cut his chest in December 2010. The cut got infected and because it was not looked after regularly, the infection reached Kalimbo's lungs, triggering Tuberculosis. After noticing something was not right, our volunteers took him to hospital where Dr Jan Kubovy, a volunteer working with Doctor's World Wide, performed an emergency operation and got him back on his feet. We could not have paid the 1700 euros hospital fees without your generous donations.
In 2012, Kalimbo got bitten by a dog which we suspected was infected with rabbies. We rushed him to hospital where our sponsorship once again came to the help of the young boy. We really need to watch this little daredevil!

A very smart daredevil nonetheless
Kalimbo's (Khamisi Eshallah is his birth name) December 2012 school report card shows he finished his 3rd term 5th of his class!
Dr Jan is now sponsoring Kalimbo in one of the best boarding schools in Mombasa- Maryjoy Academy. He boards there and gets all of his living expenses covered. He then returns home for three months of the year: April, August and December. He also returns home for mid-term breaks three times per year.

Rama and Zuma's outstanding School Performance
Rama has now completed pre-school with us and has been sponsored for three years of primary school. Sponsorship sent him to a boarding school where he excelled and finished top of his class on 5 subjects. This kid is destined to achieve great things!
Zuma (born Juma), was one of our most impoverished and least educated child when we took him on. His academic talent has since blossomed and he is now sponsored to attend Furaha Primary boarding school.